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The Pineapple is as a friend put it "nectar from the gods". I tried on draft in Oahu the best ever. 


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"Omg, I can't believe this exists. It's my favorite purchase ever already!"


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Ace craft cider

to order, please contact your
local ACE distributor

We ACEd this Brazilian-inspired libation when we blended the juice of fresh Pink Guavas and semi-dry apples, delivering a unique fruit-forward flavor of ripe Guava balanced with semi-dry, tannic undertones. 

Our best selling on-tap cider, this blend of natural pineapple flavors combined with fermented apple juice that make this tropical, sweet and tart drink irresistible!

We ACEd this flagship craft Perry libation when we artfully blended our trademark fermented apple juice with fresh Pear Juice and vanilla for a delectable spin on a classic. 

We ACEd this tropical sensation when we blended the juice of fresh, Ecuadorian mangos with semi-dry fermented apples for a lush and juicy celebration.

 It's the blend of natural pineapple flavors combined with fermented apple juice that make this tropical, sweet and tart Imperial irresistible on a warm summer day. 

Lush, sun-blasted flavors of ripe peaches combined with our semi-dry, fermented apples makes this tropical Imperial truly memorable.

“I worked at a cidery for 14 months, but I didn’t like a single cider that we offered! Haha. I’m picky. Yours is the BEST cider I have ever tried. 😁”

l. P.



The bestsellers

pineapple cider

Our fan favorite pineapple cider is one of the top selling fruit ciders in the country. It is refreshing, tart and exciting!   

imperial peach cider

Lush, sun-blasted flavors of ripe peaches combine with our semi-dry, fermented apples to make this award winning Imperial truly memorable.

perry cider 

We ACEd this flagship craft Perry libation when we artfully blended our trademark fermented apple juice with fresh Pear Juice and vanilla for a delectable spin on a classic.